As the number of composite insulators increases year by year, flashover and damage of composite insulators increase day by day.
In addition to the damage caused by construction and external forces, one of the reason is that the mechanical and electrical performance can not meet the requirements of safe operation, resulting in power grid malignant accidents of product damage accidents, such as interface breakdown, fracture and breakdown of rods , cylinder breakdown, installation damage, they account for about 38%~50%.
The other reason is the flashover which is similar to that of traditional insulators. The former mostly occurs in early products, because the material selection and process are not mature enough, and the annual damage rate is about 5/100000. At present, the methods of repairing the damaged insulators in operation need to adopt high and new technologies to suit the symptoms, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.
In the next post, we will introduce “MOTHODS TO AVOID DAMAGE OF COMPOSITE INSULATORS ”
1. Technical modification to solve interface breakdown
2. Eliminate pollution and flash in three ways
3. The replacement of rods
4. Rod damage prevention
5. Solutions to avoid birds’ peck
6. Lightning strikes resistance
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